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FRAIDA.PL Wizard Store

Looking for the most enchanted shop in Warsaw? Look no further! The Wizard Store is a magic place, although it is full of perfectly real organic products, esoteric stuff and gift items. Thousands of products from all over the world, including unique, collector’s pieces such as figurines, ceramics and jewellery, are a good enough reason to drop by.

You will find our store at ul. Bracka 20 (in the backyard), in the very centre of Warsaw. Our unique atmosphere and the wide and still growing product range have been charming our Customers for 20 years. Owing to many years of experience and a true passion for esotericism, health and personal development, we are able to offer top quality products, professional service and expert advice. The magic atmosphere in our store is a feast to the soul and body, offering a purely enjoyable shopping experience.

Organic products

Organic products are an important part of our offering. You will find carefully selected items and products that will make a difference in your life, offer a relief from day-to-day activities and pamper your senses. Organic detergents and cosmetics, natural herbs and spices, superfoods, high-quality water filters and purifiers, ozone generators and germ-killing lights...

The products in this category are a tribute to nature. And by choosing organic products, we can minimise the daily consumption of chemicals. Here you will find a broad selection of food products from certified organic crops, as well as apiculture products, coconut products (including water, oil and flour), unique teas, infusions and herbs, or stevia and xylitol, great sugar replacements in our diet.

Esoteric products

Esoteric products are our favourite specialty. We are one of the best stocked magic shops in Warsaw. You will find both bestselling evergreens and product innovations in the field of astrology, numerology, natural medicine and meditation, yoga and healthy diet, spiritism and dowsing. We always have exceptional cards on stock: Tarot, Gypsy Fortune-Telling Cards and Runes, amulets and charms, as well as a broad range of all kinds of magical accessories.

With our ready-made ritual sets, everyone can enter the world of magic and make their own ritual – such as purification, healing, bonding or love attraction. With a wide choice of extraordinary incense sticks, hand-made candles and unique stones, almost no-one leaves our store empty-handed.


If you are looking for an unusual gift for someone you love but cannot find it – you have come to the right place. Angels, figurines, original jewellery, protective amulets, Tibetan bells, bowls and gongs – this is just a glimpse of what we have on stock. Visit our store in Warsaw to touch and smell everything. We will be delighted to help you with your decision.

Palo Santo

Discover the beneficial health effects of terpenes obtained from the holy Palo Santo tree! They act by providing oxygen to your brain, purifying the air in the room, reducing inflammations and improving the digestive system function.

All of this is possible because the Palo Santo wood can be used in several ways – by burning, preparing infusions or as a scent. You can also use it for ritual purification – all you need to do is to light a piece of wood and incense the room while saying the Lord’s Prayer thrice.

White sage

Discover the secret power of the Navajo holy weed! White sage, or salvia apiana, will help you cleanse yourself and your room of negative energy, lift a spell or get rid of astral entities. It also offers great protection against evil spirits when performing magic rituals.

Our store sells white sage in bunches of varying sizes, dried, in the form of incense sticks and together with American sweetgrass. You can use it for all kinds of ritual purification and experience its beneficial health effects.

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